MCCF Activities

MCCF is an informal group of Christian health professionals and students who gather periodically for fellowship, teaching, and prayer. The Fellowship has been an active part of the Greater Rochester community for over 30 years, encouraging its members in their personal faith and highlighting opportunities to engage in medical missions at home and abroad.

Monday, September 17, 2007

HOME Ministry Abroad

Our friend Aubrey Beauchamp, USA Coordinator of Hospital Christian Fellowship, has recently written a report on the ministry of Health Outreach to the Middle East (HOME) for the ASSIST News Service. She concludes:

"As a nurse and HCF Coordinator, I feel privileged to know some of the dedicated members of this outstanding and unique ministry. I am also honored to see the interaction between Hospital Christian Fellowship members and those of the HOME ministries. It confirms the Scripture in Ephesians 2:21-22: "In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple of the Lord. And in Him, you too, are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit."

Click here to read Aubrey's whole report.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Corner Society Meetings

The George Washington Corner Society for the History of Medicine, named after University of Rochester's first professor of anatomy, is a group of physicians, students, and other participants interested in the history of medicine. This year there will be five evening presentations on medical historical topics at the Rochester Academy of Medicine, 1441 East Ave. We will meet at the Academy between 5:30 - 6:30 pm for drinks and light fare; the presentation will follow from 6:30 - 7:45 pm.

The Corner Society is an important part of the tradition of medicine in Rochester, requiring ongoing support. Membership dues are $65 per year (waived for students but not for residents; couples pay $65 for a joint membership). Your dues allow us to invite out-of-town scholars as well as defray costs for medical students. In so doing, we hope to encourage their participation in the Society. If you would like to join, please send your check along with a completed membership form. Payment is by cash or by check payable to The Corner Society. If you know someone who is not a member, ask him/her to join with you. And, if your situation permits, please consider an additional contribution to the Society.

Click here for the lecture schedule and registration form. Please contact Andrea Ehmann or Dr. Stephanie Brown Clark in the Division of Medical Humanities at URMC (275-5800) with any questions about membership or about the meetings.


Monday, September 03, 2007

Dr. Fountain Workshops

Dr. Daniel Fountain will be returning to the area to conduct 2 workshops on Whole Person Medicine this month.

The first is a five-hour workshop on Whole Person Medicine in Syracuse on Saturday September 15 organized by Dr. Tom Masten. Dr. Dan Fountain and his wife Miriam will be flying in to do the teaching. Over 36 have already registered, many of whom are pastors and church leaders. Dr. Fountain says, "I'm delighted to have pastors and church leaders come and will include considerable stuff relevant to the role of the church in healing." The event will take place at Grace Evangelical Covenant church in Clay NY (northwest Syracuse) from 8 AM through until 3 PM - five hours of CME approved sessions. If you missed Dr. Fountain when he was Rochester last year, this is your chance! Invite your pastor, register, and take the trek to Syracuse. For more info, contact Dr. Masten.

The second will be Dr. Fountain's full workshop at Elim Bible Institute spread out over five days from Monday-Friday September 24-28. This is designed for students in Elim's medical missions track, but might be able to accomodate a few partipants from the community. Click here to review the proposed schedule If you're interested, please contact me.
