MCCF Activities

MCCF is an informal group of Christian health professionals and students who gather periodically for fellowship, teaching, and prayer. The Fellowship has been an active part of the Greater Rochester community for over 30 years, encouraging its members in their personal faith and highlighting opportunities to engage in medical missions at home and abroad.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

CMDA Winter Conference

Are you feeling the "burn" of busy, tiring days in the office/hospital? Do your professional and personal lives seem "off-center" for some reason? Wouldn't you like to get off that hamster wheel for a while?

Well, here’s your chance!!

Join us at the CMDA Northeast Winter Conference on January 15-17, 2010, at the beautiful Sandy Cove Conference Center on the lovely, peaceful shores of the Chesapeake Bay. Experience God's rest as you pray, meditate, experience timely speakers and workshops, and fellowship with fellow colleagues in an atmosphere built to expose you to the awesome beauty and love of God.

We’re excited about this year’s conference because CMDA’s CEO, Dr. David Stevens, will be our plenary speaker. For four sessions he will share from scripture and his own life about being a follower of Christ as a healthcare professional. Whether you are a physician or dentist, we will explore principles that will help you get where God is leading you to go, even amidst an environment that is often hostile to folks seeking to live out their lives for Christ. Small group sessions will help us dig deeper into what following Christ looks like for us personally and help us get ready to return to our personal mission fields. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to get away from the busyness of life to revisit who you are in Christ and how God is leading you.

Everything, including details about our speaker and theme, schedule, free time options, accommodations, etc., as well as online registration can be found at our conference page (

Please take a few moments to register online. Early bird deadline is December 15th! Questions? Contact CMDA at

Scott Boyles, CMDA Northeast Regional Director
