Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for responding to our appeal for feedback about our Spring MCCF Breakfast. Over 50 of you wrote back, and it became very clear that we had chosen a very busy time of year when over 90% of you had schedule conflicts and couldn’t come. Many expressed regret that you would be missing an interesting speaker and topic. A large majority liked the topic but several of you indicated that it was too focused on marriage to be of interest to you. As a result, we have decided to:
1. Reschedule the Breakfast from this coming Saturday, April 30th to Saturday, October 8th from 9-11 at the Academy of Medicine.
2. Broaden our subject material to be more inclusive. Kathy Elliott will be addressing the topic “Building Lasting Relationships.”
We’re sorry we won’t be seeing you this coming weekend but hope you can join us this Fall. Thanks again for your fellowship in the Gospel.
Happy Easter!
Bill and Susan Morehouse
Labels: Breakfasts