Rafiki Missions Opportunity

Rafiki, a Swahili word for friend, is a Christian missions organization with Villages in 10 countries across sub-Saharan Africa. Their Villages are located in Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi and Ethiopia.
In sub-Saharan Africa, the AIDS pandemic has deprived many children of their fathers and mothers. Even with one surviving parent, the needs of a child cannot be met in most of these countries. School enrollment and literacy rates in Africa are among the lowest in the world. An estimated 42 million children in sub-Saharan Africa alone are not enrolled in school. Many cannot afford to go or stay in primary school and in some countries, 70% of the girls do not continue to secondary school. In response to this need, Rafiki Villages are designed to care for children from infancy to age eighteen.
The goal of Rafiki is to nurture orphaned African children into godly contributors in their countries. They do not place their children for adoption. If you would like further information, please click here to read the letter we received, here to visit the Rafiki Foundation's website, or contact Joe Baucom, Rafiki Area Representative, at 574-370-2699.
Labels: Missions